
Showing posts from January, 2017


  FACTS ABOUT MMM SUSTAINABILITY 1. *A new MMM MODEL HAS been introduced* This is how it now works, MMM now controls how much money leaves thier platform daily, same way banks have daily withdrawal limits just to control cash flow. Now, no Participant or Guider has access to this limit So when you try to GH and it wasn't successful at a particular time, just know that the daily limit for that day has been exhausted, so be patient to try again later 2. *MMM IS NOT OWING ANYBODY* Its a pity that uptil now most people still see MMM as a bank or an investment company. MMM is basically a platform  where people voluntarily choose to use in helping each other grow financially. You choose to help someone with your Spare money with FAITH that someone else will help you The reason many participants are having emotional outburst now is because they don't understand how MMM works and secondly, they didn't use thier SPARE MONEY as recommended by the system #TRUE The best part of MMM


MMM IS BACK AND BETTER As we've earlier promised in December 2016 when the frozen mode took place, we have fulfilled our promise of coming back and now we are back and better than before...  Although, there was lots of panic amongst participants and non participants, many false news from bloggers just to promote their sites and get more traffic (what will happen to them now that MMM is back again?). For those that were really afraid that they've loss their funds, you need to understand MMM's Ideology set by Sergey Mavrodi, the Founder of our Great Community. Only those who have tiny knowledge about MMM would panic...  Click here to Register Now ask yourself, "who did you give your donation to"? MMM Central Account or a Participant like you? MMM has no Central Account just incase you have forgotten, and any donation made is amongst participants. What the system those is to bring people together to help each other and all transactions are done amongst part